Page 15 - The Friday Flyer ● SEPTEMBER 06, 2019
P. 15

SEPTEMBER 6, 2019                                             THE FRIDAY FLYER                                                                A-15

                                                                           POA NEWS

           Citations                            Traffic School
             Community  Patrol  Account  Manag-    The POA offers Traffic School as an-
           er  Bill  Jordan announced  at  Tuesday’s  other method to remove a citation from a
           POA Board Meeting  that  Community  member’s account. A member is eligible
           Patrol will not issue warnings for failure  to attend traffic school for a moving vio-
           to stop for a school bus signal, dogs off  lation once every 36 months, as long as
           leashes, driving a golf cart without a li-  the Prime Member is in good standing
           cense, gate running and verbal abuse to-  with the POA and the citation is not re-
           ward Community Patrol staff. Residents  lated to alcohol/drug use, possession of
           who violate  these  rules  will  receive  a  drugs nor did the citation cause injury or
           citation.                            property damage.
                                                   Lake and Marina citations  are also
           Parking Lot Project                  excluded from Traffic School eligibility.
             The POA Board of Directors approved   Traffic School is held on the last Satur-                                                                     PHOTO BY DONNA RITCHIE
           funding in an amount not to exceed   day of the month from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
           $3,425,000 toward the renovations and   at the POA office. The fee is $25 and due
           improvements to 15 community parking   at the time of registration. Upon comple-  The POA requires all golf cart operators to have a valid driver’s license in their possession at
           lots and Canyon Lake Drive North from   tion, the citation will be removed from   all times while operating a golf cart. The number of persons riding in a golf cart is limited to
           Vacation Drive to Goetz Road.        the Prime Member’s account. Paid cita-  the number of passenger seats.
             The parking lots include  Blue Bird   tions do not qualify for Traffic School.
           Hall, country club Diamond Point Park,   To register, call 951-244-684, ext. 220.  92587.                        call  951-244-6841, ext.  218, during
           East Port Park, the equestrian  center   Free Senior Nutrition Program      2. Pay in  person at  the  Canyon Lake  regular business hours. Be sure to pro-
           driveway entrance,  Gault Field, Holi-                                         Property Owners Association build-  vide details on the item and leave your
           day Harbor Park, Indian Beach, lodge/   The Senior Committee contacted var-    ing located at 31512 Railroad Can-  name and phone number so staff can get
           tennis/Sunset Beach, Moonstone Beach,  ious organizations inquiring about pro-  yon Rd. in Canyon Lake with a  back to you after checking the inventory.
           north ski east and west, operation yard,  grams that offer free food assistance to   check, money order, or credit card.  Items are held for 30 days and then do-
           Sierra Park and the senior center.  The  seniors in our community. The Riverside   3. Pay over the phone with a credit or  nated.
           first  phase of this project  will  be  the  County Office on  Aging offers home-  debit card by calling Member Ser-
                                                                                          vices  at  951-244-6841 ext.  310.  New at Country Club
           country club parking lot during the an-  delivered meals to persons 60 years of
           nual golf course overseeding closure in  age or older and spouses of someone 60   Have your tract-lot number and cita-  The country club now offers an all
           October.                             or older. This program is designed for    tion number (located at the top right-  you can eat soup and salad bar for $9.50
                                                                                          hand corner of the citation) ready.
           Driving Course                       those who have transportation or health   Senior Potlucks                   on Thursdays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
                                                issues that prevent them from taking
             Want to refresh your driving skills   care of their own nutritional needs. For                                 POA Gift Cards
           and possibly even help you save on your   more information, call 800-510-2020.  Potlucks are held for seniors at the se-  The  POA offers gift  cards that  can
           auto insurance? Take the AARP Smart   Paying Citations                     nior center every month on the second   be used at the country club, golf course,
           Driver course on Saturday, Sept.  28                                       Tuesday and the last Sunday at 5 p.m.  Lighthouse Restaurant and Bar and for
           from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the senior cen-  If you received a violation, payment   Lost and Found                  POA merchandise, such as license plate
           ter. The cost is $20. AARP members pay  may be made the following ways:                                          frames. The gift cards cannot be used for
           $15. Registration is required and can be   1. Mail a check or money order made   The POA has a Lost and Found for  paying citations,  registration,  or POA
           done at the POA office or by calling the   out to CLPOA to 31512 Railroad  items found in the parks and other loca-  dues. Gift cards are available for pur-
           POA at 951-244-6841, ext. 610.           Canyon Rd., Canyon Lake,  CA  tions within the community. To inquire,  chase at the POA office.

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