Page 8 - The Friday Flyer ● March 23, 2018
P. 8

A-8                                                           THE FRIDAY FLYER                                              MARCH 23, 2018

                                                                                                 PHOTO PROVIDED BY CHASE CORDON                                  PHOTO PROVIDED BY CHASE CORDON

           Chase plays horseshoes at Happy Camp as a Bear Scout.                                  Chase serves as Honor Guard.
           Local scout seeks community support for project

           BY SUSAN GAMBLE                      ect will cost approximately  $7000. He  country, without leaving tracks behind,   In March of 2012, Chase earned the
           CONTRIBUTOR, THE FRIDAY FLYER        has raised about two-thirds of the funds  and  those tracks may  often  be  helpful  highest award in Cub Scouts, the  Ar-
             Canyon Lake  teen  Chase Cordon is  and needs approximately $3000 more to  to those coming  after  him  in finding  row of Light. At that time, he bridged to
           working toward the rank of Eagle Scout.  complete the project. He hopes to raise  their way,” said Founder of the Scout-  Boy Scout Troop 444 in Menifee. He is
           He has completed many of the require-  funds by Apr. 15 to be able to complete  ing Movement Robert  Baden-Powell  an active member of the troop, serving
           ments for the rank of Eagle Scout and is  the project  installation  by the end of  These words speak to the actions of the  in Quartermaster, Historian  and Honor
           working towards his Eagle Project. His  May or early June.                 few scouts who seek the highest rank in  Guard positions.
           plan is to build a 10-station fitness trail   Chase is working with Canyon Lake  scouting, Eagle Scout.            During the summer of 2017, Chase
           at Evans Park on Canyon Lake Drive  Director of Operations Steve Schneider    Chase began his Scouting career in   and others from his troop attended the
           North. Currently, this park is a dirt trail  and his staff for this project and plans to  1st grade as a Tiger Scout in Cub Scout   National  Scout Jamboree in  West  Vir-
           and grass field.                     bring other scouts together to help with  Pack 346. He spent five years in Cub   ginia. Over 25,000 Scouts from all over
             The goal of the project is to increase  the project installation. For more infor-  Scouts, enjoying the amenities of Can-  the country attend this event which oc-
           active use of this park and encourage fit-  mation or to make a donation to Chase’s  yon Lake with events at Holiday Harbor   curs every  four years. He was chosen
           ness activities. Improvements at the park  Eagle Project, visit cordoneagleproject.  Park and camping at Happy Camp. He   to be the assistant senior patrol leader
           will allow members of the community a                         looks back fondly on his experiences   for the California Inland Empire Scouts
           place to walk or run off of the streets of   “No  one  can  pass through  life,  any  racing  derby  cars  and  designing  water   who attended. He describes the trip as
           Canyon Lake. Chase projects this proj-  more than he can pass through a bit of  rockets.                                   uuCONTINUED PAGE A9
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