Need to make changes for 2017 Residential Directory?

Residents are encouraged to take a look at the 2016 Residential Directory and make changes, corrections or additions for the 2017 Directory by noting them on the form here.

nov18a-4Forms can be mailed to Canyon Lake Residential Directory, 31558 Railroad Canyon Rd., Canyon Lake, CA 92587, faxed to 951-244-2748 or updated online at

In keeping with the times, the directory lists not only residents’ landlines but also the cell phone numbers and email addresses of every member of the family, if residents wish. Inclusion in the directory is strictly voluntary.

Newcomers to Canyon Lake are encouraged to fill out the form. The Canyon Lake Directory has always been more than a phone book – it’s a handbook for the community, containing sections on the POA, the City, the Chamber of Commerce, local amenities, clubs and schools, while also devoting a section to emergency preparedness geared specifically for Canyon Lake.

So take a minute to fill out the form here or online so the 2017 edition can be accurate and all-inclusive.


