Volunteers wanted for Emergency Preparedness

The next meeting of the Canyon Lake Emergency Preparedness Committee (CLEPC) is Thursday, April 2, at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chamber. The speaker will be Officer David Douglas on the subject of community safety, personal safety and

terrorism. There will be a time for questions and answers.

Director Nancy Carroll would like to remind residents the CLEPC is only as strong as its volunteers. It is made up of an all-volunteer force of residents trained in damage assessment, sheltering, casualty collection, first aid, command center personnel and several other areas. The group has monthly meetings the first Thursday of each month.

In order for the volunteers to stay well-trained, they need to continue attending training exercises and meetings. “It would be helpful if the members would attend a meeting on occasion to keep up with what the group is doing,” says Nancy. “Any group is only as good as its members, and the training and participation that comes from those members.”

Members of the CLEPC, and those interested in becoming members, are encouraged to attend meetings and watch for training opportunities in areas of interest.

Nancy adds, “It takes three times as many folks to be on the committee as would be needed in a disaster so that, at any given time, there would be enough folks left in the community to get the work done.”

To learn more about the CLEPC, visit cityofcanyonlake.com and click on the “Code Red” icon.


