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           Community gathers in Towne                                                 Funds approved for                     to and click on
                                                                                      new water feature at                        Or call 951-244-1966

           Center to celebrate veterans Pg. A3                                        country club Pg. A11                          *Inside Riverside County

                                                                                                                                            Canyon Laker Brittaney
                                                                                                                                            Morrison poses for a  PHOTO PROVIDED BY BRITTANEY MORRISON
                                                                                                                                            photo with a group of
                                                                                                                                            kids in Kenya, Africa,
                                                                                                                                            where she spent two
                                                                                                                                            summers ministering.
           Morrison finds purpose in Kenya

           BY PAT VAN DYKE                                   church, Crossroads Christian Church in Corona, in  Hepatitis and Malaria.
           COLUMNIST, THE FRIDAY FLYER                       which church members could volunteer to spend two    Finances  were discussed along with the  need  for
             For the past two summers, while her friends were  weeks in various parts of the world helping to improve  each team member to raise monies for travel, food and
           spending their  summer  vacations basking in the  sun  living conditions.  Africa immediately  entered  Brit-  lodging. In 2018, Brittaney used social media to enlist
           or touring well-known vacation destinations, Canyon  taney’s mind as a possible location in which she could  others to donate the needed $4,700 to fund her trip.
           Lake resident Brittaney Morrison spent time minister-  minister; but when the possibilities were presented in-  Brittaney jumped over every hurdle that was placed
           ing to those in the developing country of Kenya, Af-  cluding Cambodia/Thailand,  Nepal and Kenya, Brit-  on her path to Kenya and she soon found herself in a
           rica.                                             taney prayed that the Lord would lead her to exactly  strange new world.
             Brittaney’s decision to make a difference in the lives  where she could be used best.                This first trip was filled with startling moments of
           of those living in extreme poverty and unclean condi-  She then learned that she had been assigned to the   dealing with the conditions that were present in Nai-
           tions was not taken lightly. Through much prayer and  Kenya Mission Team and she knew that “God answered   robi, the city to which they were assigned. The team
           soul searching, Brittaney felt a strong presence of the  my desires.” Much of the remainder of 2017 and early   found themselves holding Vacation Bible School in the
           Lord as she saw the doors begin to open and a ministry  2018 was spent in preparation for the mission.  local schools; but when they visited the actual areas in
           to Kenya was placed in her future.                   Brittaney learned about the cultural differences and   which the children lived, they were astounded by the
             When she was only a five-year-old child, the thought  situations that might arise in Kenya. For example, a   living conditions.
           of traveling to Africa intrigued her. She knew that there  woman must not hug a man as is the practice in the   The homes in Nairobi were small and most were
           were definite physical and spiritual needs in that part  United States. She was given a list of vaccinations that   actually “shacks” with no kitchen or bathroom facili-
           of the world and as she became older, she decided that  she must have due to the fact that Kenya is considered   ties. Meals were cooked outside and the people used
           she wanted to be part of the solution to their needs.  a developing country and there would be a risk of be-  a hole in the ground for a toilet. Brittaney noted that
             In 2017, Brittaney learned  of a program in her  ing  exposed  to  dangerous  diseases  such as Typhoid,                uuCONTINUED PAGE A11
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