Is litigation between the POA and EVMWD over?

According to the POA, some of the litigation is over but not all of it. Specifically, the Tax Case (Riverside Superior Court Case Number RIC 1504034) and (Court of Appeal Case Number CIV Number E065705) which was on appeal, has been dismissed; however, the Declaratory Relief Case (Riverside Superior Court Case Number 1503428) is still pending.

The reason why the Declaratory Relief Case is still pending is that there are a few important issues that must be resolved, which were not the subject of the 5th Amendment. There appears to be some incongruity as to where the border of the lake and shore zone actually lies, and the parties want a definitive determination as to where that important boundary is.

The parties also want to come to create a uniform process for future encroachments into the lake and onto the shore zone, which involves all the necessary stakeholders, i.e. POA, POA members and EVMWD. There needs to be a standardized process so everything is as consistent, fair and predictable as possible.

Between August 2011 and March 2017, the POA spent $1,066,931.93 on legal fees related to the Lake Lease, which includes negotiations and preparing and filing litigation.


