Letter: IRS Ballot Measure

The POA bylaws require any of our money not spent at year-end must be returned to homeowners. Our dues are based on the annual budget.  That law was to protect homeowners from fraud.  The POA is required to hold spending at or below annual budgets. So this year if money was left over at year end, they operated under budget. Great!  So return our overpayment of dues and reduce your budget to keep down your spending next year rather than the huge increase. It’s called living within your means. The homeowners aren’t an endless bucket of cash to spend. If you add the $12 per year we now pay for The Friday Flyer, our fees increased nearly $200.

Why would the POA Board want to roll over money not spent? More play money?  That’s our excessive dues money they’re holding – and continually raising.

The big question is, if money was left over, why the huge raise next year (highest raise ever) of $180 for an increase in POA funds of over $700,000! What major expenditure is planned requiring almost a million dollar dues increase plus wanting to change the bylaws to keep excess money from this year?

Increasing reserves (used for maintenance/repair) isn’t needed since we’re in the upper 60 percent,  which is above recommended funding and above most homeowner associations. Reserves can’t be used for dredging because we don’t own the water/land and the law prohibits spending funds on what isn’t owned. Again, homeowners aren’t an endless bucket of cash. Dues are a burden for many now.

The prior year there was a $1.6 million surplus and last year over $750K – none refunded as required in bylaws. Illegal! Don’t vote for changing the rule they haven’t followed. Return our money, as required.

Dawn Haggerty

Letters to the Editor are an opportunity for residents to voice opinions and comment on city, POA and other community issues. Letters are limited to 300 words and one signature per letter. Neighbor/customer disputes or testimonials, letters directed to other persons and political letters directed toward an opponent will not be printed.

Readers are reminded information presented as “fact” may not be factual; and if anyone has a question, they are urged to contact the appropriate POA, City of Canyon Lake, Canyon Lake Police Department or other entity to receive a clearer understanding of the issue. Letters should be emailed to news@goldingpublications.com. Deadlines are Mondays at 3 p.m.


