Advisory votes will be used to gauge interest

The advisory votes pertaining to the fence restriction and three-wheeled motorized vehicles do not constitute a formal vote to amend the CC&Rs and are not binding on the Board of Directors. The advisory vote will be used as a survey to help gauge interest in future proposed amendments.

Board members say the fence restriction is an important issue because it’s one of the items most often brought before the Architectural Control Committee and Appeals Committee. These committees have received many requests for taller fences over the years, but due to the current CC&R restriction, they have not been able to approve these requests.

The current fence height limit is restricted to five feet. The Board of Directors say two of the reasons often given for wanting taller fences is greater privacy and/or the fact that many of the standard fence heights for new pre-fabricated fences is six feet.

Board members, staff and residents themselves have fought for a fence height amendment over the years. The amendment was placed on the ballot in 2007, 2008 and 2009. A majority of the voters have shown in the past that they wanted the amendment to pass. However; it never passed because not enough voters voted. It’s now in the hands of prime members who are willing to pick up their ballot and cast their vote.


