Letter: Lodge Subsidy

Editor, The Friday Flyer:

Great news! Page A-3 of October 23 The Friday Flyer touted the headline “Jeff Main resigns,” etc. Many Canyon Lake residents have shown their lack of confidence in his ability to be the Food and Beverage Director these past four years as evidenced by the continued annual subsidies poured into this so-called amenity.

My hope is that our elected POA Board will give priority in determining what the future of food service will be – certainly one option is to discontinue the food service side and continue only the beverage service, which would eliminate the need for the annual subsidy. Or, subcontract the total operation with strict provisions that the service sustain itself without subsidy.

Our dues are a significant financial burden on Canyon Lake homeowners that must be considered! I’m a disenchanted homeowner.

Robert D. Mericle


