Page 1 - The Friday Flyer ● January 26, 2018
P. 1


          CLEPC donates life-saving                                                   Permanent shade                       Bassmasters
                                                                                      stuctures added to                    announce tournament

          device to community Pg. A4                                                  pool deck Pg. A5                      winners Pg. A15

                                                                                                                                                                PHOTO PROVIDED BY JUDE DONAHUE

                                                                                                                               Canyon Lake Emergency Preparedness
                                                                                                                               Committee members.
           Is Canyon Lake prepared

           in the event of a disaster?

           BY LARRY GREENE                                   at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber at city hall. At  could  possibly be needed  after  a disaster.  The  first
           SPECIAL TO THE FRIDAY FLYER                       these meetings, citizens are offer updated information  president moved away after about eight months. Frank
             Thursday  morning’s 4.0  earthquake  centered  9.94   on disaster preparedness, provided educational oppor-  Webster stepped in as president until his resignation in
           miles WNW of Lake Elsinore should be a reminder to   tunities to learn how best to cope during a disaster and  1991. Nancy Carroll was appointed to lead the com-
           all Canyon Lake residents the importance of having an   through a volunteer vetting procedure have the oppor-  mittee and remained president until she stepped down
           emergency plan in the event of a disaster. A disaster  tunity to become a certified Disaster Health Responder.  in 2016. I’ve succeeded her as president.
           can strike at anytime. Are you prepared? Do you have a   We stress to our volunteers that family comes first   The demographics of Canyon Lake are much differ-
           plan for your family? Pets? Do you have an emergency  during a disaster, and being prepared is of key impor-  ent now. Riverside County has established a compre-
           supply of food and water? Don’t wait until a disaster  tance. Citizens who wish to attend for information up-  hensive disaster response. The citizens living here are
           strikes to make a plan. Having a plan before an emer-  dates are very welcome. Citizens who wish to assume  busily involved with work, raising families and com-
           gency strikes may save your life and the lives of your  a response role in times of need can volunteer in many  muting. We are no longer “rural.” Having said that, we
           family members.                                   areas such as EOC operations, Casualty  Collection  still remain a tight-knit community with a caring at-
             What is the city doing to prepare for a disaster? The  Point, Damage Assessment or Shelter Operation. The  titude for all who live here. We need volunteers not to
           City of Canyon Lake has established and sponsors the  latter category requires a vetting procedure and addi-  disappear.
           Canyon  Lake  Emergency  Preparedness  Committee  tional FEMA and Red Cross education classes.         As the demographics  of Canyon Lake  have
           (CLEPC) which works in coordination with Riverside   The committee is actively involved in our commu-  changed  so has  emergency  response.  All  have
           County Fire, the Sheriff’s Department and Emergen-  nity, providing a first aid station at community events,   witnessed the recent disasters which have taken lives
           cy Services. The committee also has liaisons with the  and teaching “hands-only” CPR to any club who re-  and destroyed property. We have also seen the hero-
           American Red Cross.                               quests this. Some future plans include the implantation   ism of neighbors helping neighbors to survive. Volun-
             The committee is a group of volunteers working to-  of Drone technology for disaster survey and CERT   teerism is difficult to sustain, preparedness is essential.
           gether to prepare the city for any disaster. The objective  training for our citizens.                 The CLEPC wants to grow and expand to help the
           of the committee is to encourage, implement, and sup-  Here is a brief history of Canyon Lake Emergency   community to survive. Each citizen has the potential to
           port an emergency services response and disaster man-  Preparedness Committee: In 1989, well before Canyon   be a hero, all have the potential to learn how and con-
           agement system that protects the citizens of Canyon  Lake became incorporated, the residents in this rural   tribute when the need arises. We encourage residents to
           Lake from effects of major emergencies and disasters,  development gathered to form a group of volunteers   come see what the CLEPC is all about. Attend a two-
           while fostering a leadership vision where everyone  who would respond to emergencies in Canyon Lake.   hour meeting and become acquainted with your fellow
           practices sound emergency management concepts and  Membership was built on asking each of the clubs to   neighbors who are investing their time and expertise to
           principles that protect lives, property and environment.  send two representatives  to attend meetings.  These   safeguard the citizens of Canyon Lake. Be aware, be
             The CLEPC meets on the first  Thursday of each  people went door to door asking for donations of shov-  prepared. Proverbs 22:3 says, “A prudent man foresees
           month, except during the months of July and August,  els, tarps, medical equipment, or any other items which               uuCONTINUED PAGE A3
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