Page 8 - The Friday Flyer • February 26, 2016
P. 8

A-8 THE FRIDAY FLYER FEBRUARY 26, 2016 Here’s a look at past Februarys in CL
Here’s what was happening in Can- yon Lake in the month of February over the past 45 years.
45 Years Ago
On February 10, 1971, Sylvan Shul- man and Dr. Owen Lindsay and their families, friends and interested persons gathered on site with gold shovels to break ground for a motel in the Canyon Lake shopping center. According to the Lighthouse Magazine, the first 34 units plus manager’s apartment and coffee shop were planned for completion by July 1971. Construction was to be done by the firm of O’Brien and Cathro at an estimated cost of $800,000.
A group called American Thunder performed at the Valentine Teen Dance at the Lodge.
Ninety-six gentlemen and their ladies and guests participated in the Valentine Tournament at the Canyon Lake Golf Course. Everyone got off to a shotgun start at 10:45 a.m.
Families took advantage of Febru- ary’s warm weather by sunbathing at Sunset Beach.
40 Years Ago
In February 1976, the Bicentennial Year, one could still purchase a “view lot that overlooks the Golf Course” for $4,500, “cash or terms.”
The February issue of the Lighthouse Magazine featured a story and photo- graph of the groundbreaking ceremony for Canyon Lake Community Church. Held January 31, 1976, the ceremony was officiated by Reverend Chester
The March 1971 issue of the Lighthouse Magazine featured these families sun- bathing at Sunset Beach the previous February 21.
In February 1971, Sylvan Shulman and Dr. Owen Lindsay and their families, friends and interested persons gathered on site with gold shovels to break ground for a motel in the Canyon Lake shopping center.
Droog. Members of the Church Coun- cil in attendance were Rae Simonson, Gordon Buchan, Fred Hyde, Jerry Lee, Karl Sprawling and Jim Keeler. Special music was provided by the Choraleers under the direction of Elaine Sanderson.
Henry and Doris Albert were hosts for a “Mission Brunch” at their unusual residence, and it was announced that the home of Mr. And Mrs. William Gault on Bronc Ct. was judged 1st place in the “Most Beautiful Home Decorating Contest” for the previous year’s Christ- mas event.
Jimmie Hedrick of Canyon Lake Insur- ance shared her home for an open house, and a Sweetheart Dance was held at the Lodge on Valentine’s Day, February 14.
Bob Perrenoud and Bill Denning an- nounced their resignations from the POA Board of Directors. The POA voted to “provide a security guard to be present at regularly scheduled meetings where the public was invited” to eliminate in- terruptions and any behavior not condu- cive to a business meeting.
Clyde Carter was elected by the Road- runners to be Wagonmaster and planned
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The February 1976 issue of the Lighthouse Magazine featured this picture of the groundbreaking for Canyon Lake Community Church.
a trip to the Date Festival in Indio. Seventy-five were in the audience as the Lions Club hosted its annual speak- er’s competition, and Miss Adrienne Robinson of Elsinore High School won the local contest and would represent the
club for a potential $3,600 scholarship.
Among the businesses advertising in the Lighthouse Magazine that month were Richard T. Blowers, O.D., Scott Business Service, Canyon Lake Insur- ance and Martin’s Landing.
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