Advise for making the most of high school years

Summer is over and a new school year begins, bringing with it new experiences and knowledge. For teens, high school is going to be the new experience. For many young adults, college will be the new experience. As a former high school student and an upcoming college student, I find myself nervous for the future. The feelings that I feel about college, I also felt about high school. I know that I am not the only one who felt that way, so I would like to ease those feelings by giving my tips for new high school students.

For some teens, high school won’t be a fun experience. For others, high school will be the best part of their lives. For many, high school will just be the next step toward their future. During the years to come, one will find out what high school means to them. With that said, I’d like to give some advise to new high school students; maybe some of the advise will help.

Teens should know certain things to make their high school life more enjoyable and rewarding. For example, joining a club and/or a sport. Joining either one or both will look great on college applications because it shows that you care about being involved. As a bonus, you get to meet people and discover people who you may relate to.

One of my favorite artists, Pablo Picasso, once said, “Action is the fundamental key to success.” Applied to school, it could mean to be engaged. Engage in the classes you are taking and make sure to ask questions. If you have questions, there are probably at least three other students who have the same questions. There is nothing to be embarrassed about asking question because one shouldn’t be embarrassed about becoming smarter. Struggles and stress are inevitable in high school, so to not add to that stress, ask for help.

Students should attempt to befriend their teachers and get to know them. It may seem dumb, and you may even dislike a teacher, but they are people who want to see you succeed so it wouldn’t hurt to get to know them. Plus, it may help you gain leniency if you make a minor mistake in class. Also, many colleges ask for “letters of recommendation” so the better relationship you have with your teachers, the better the letter will be.

Lastly, make sure to be on top of your work and try not to procrastinate. High school is fun and you should enjoy it, but it should never come at the price of losing focus in school. It’s fun then, but when all your friends moved on in life you don’t want to be left behind filled with regret of wishing you did better. High school is a stepping stone to your future. Whether you are going to college, in the army, or straight into the workforce, your habits and work attitude will follow.

At first, it may not seem like a big deal, but four years is a short time. Doing your best and getting the most out of those years will help you in the long run. You’ll experience trials and stress in high school, but it’s how you overcome it to better yourself as a person that counts.


