Test your trivia skills at Bar Trivia Night

Residents are invited to round up a team and test their trivia skills at Bar Trivia Night on Thursday, Jan. 25, from 7 to 9 p.m. at the lodge.

Bar Trivia is hosted by local entertainer and quizmaster Aprile DeAnne, who challenges the crowd with fun, entertaining pop culture trivia. Bar Trivia is played in teams of one to four players. The more players, the better a team’s odds are of winning.

There are six rounds of trivia with questions on topics ranging from sports to music to art and science. The last round has a bonus question which could add or subtract ten points, pushing teams behind or ahead of other teams.

Cell phones, reference material and shouting out answers are not allowed.

Prizes are given to the first and second place teams. Aprile also gives away a raffle prize during the game.

“Bring your teams and join in on the fun. This is a great way to meet your neighbors. Arrive a little early for a good seat and to enjoy some food,” says the quizmaster.

Who will be the next winner?


