Honoring a fallen citizen

A cross in honor of Canyon Lake resident Roger Crocker rests at the corner of Canyon Lake Dr. South and Village Way Dr. Photo by Donna Ritchie

Allison McNaughton, one of the residents who came to the aid of Roger Crocker on the evening of a fatal golf cart accident on Friday, Aug 18, has constructed and placed a remembrance cross at the scene of the accident on the corner of Canyon Lake Dr. South and Village Way. After she placed the cross in the ground she wrapped a colorful lei around it. It was the one she was wearing around her wrist the evening she provided aid to Roger.

Allison said she thinks about that Friday evening every day. “I still think of that Friday night, almost all day, every day. And I am constantly thinking of the friends and family close to Roger and the feelings they must be going through,” she said.

Allison is hoping the city doesn’t remove the cross. “It would mean a lot to me if it could stay there where many people will see it and remember how fragile life can be,” she said.


