Here’s a brief recap of CLPOA Board meeting

At Tuesday’s Regular Session Board Meeting, members got a chance to hear about conceptual ideas for a new shade structure at the Tennis Center and the Facilities Review Committee’s recommendations for a permanent location for four pickleball courts.

Jorge Perez showed several conceptual drawings for the Tennis Center shade structure and storage building, saying the thought is to match the architecture of the Lodge.

President Bruce Yarbrough appealed to members to provide input about what they like or don’t like about the preliminary concepts. Ideas and comments may be emailed to

General Manager Chris Mitchell filled in for Facilities Review Committee Chair Steve Libring in presenting the committee’s recommendations for possible sites for four pickleball courts.

He explained the committee’s criteria included such things as accessibility; availability of parking and ADA compliance; ease of emergency response; existing onsite amenities such as restrooms, water, lighting, etc.; number of residences affected; cost impacts such as the need to install retaining walls; orientation to the sun so it isn’t in players’ eyes, etc.

The committee narrowed their list of 30 possible sites down to their top five, and President Yarbrough said the Board had further narrowed it down to the Directors’ top three choices. They are 1) the lower level of East Port Park; 2) the bottom of the parking lot at the Lodge, next to the tennis courts;  and 3) near the recycled water pool at the Country Club.

Staff will be asked to research possible obstacles at each location and what it would take to get permits.

After the presentations, the Board approved appointments to committees and rule changes or 30-day readings for rule changes. One of the rule changes will allow fishermen to park at launch ramps and in the boat trailer parking area at East Port after park curfew hours. Another rule change would change the wording to allow spouses of primary members to register boats.

Directors approved sanctioning the Pickleball Club as an official Canyon Lake club. It also approved an Operations Department funding request for a CLPOA Truck Fleet reduction and trailer purchase.

Following the completion of business items on the agenda, the meeting was opened to Member Comments, which covered such subjects as 4th of July behavior and alcohol consumption at parks, pickleball courts, Main Gate costs, Main Gate appearance, the need to resurface the tennis courts, security issues and how to limit the access of contractors and other workers to community amenities.

General Manager Mitchell provided an update on projects that are in the works.

  • Dog Park – Only one bid was received by the June 30 deadline; therefore the RFP deadline has been extended to July 30.
  • Road Engineering Services – Only two proposals were received. They will be evaluated by the Facilities Review Committee. Once the contract is awarded, the POA can proceed with an RFP for parking lot layout and resurfacing.
  • Campground – The City of Canyon Lake Planning Department informed the POA that the Association will need to seek plan approval from the State’s Department of Housing and Community Development.
  • Main Gate Signage and Gate Procedures – Conceptual plans for signage are in development. Staff will continue an education campaign with regards to the new Main Gate procedures.
  • Roadrunner Park Restrooms – Engineer and staff currently are working with EVMWD on the plan check for sewer connections.
  • Outrigger Park Playground – The Association is waiting for Frontier Communications to make repairs to the utility line damaged by the contractor during construction. When repairs are complete, the contractor will finish the playground.

Main Gate Entry Procedures

Chris announced that the Association would put out a flyer to educate members on the Main Gate entry procedures.

He said he stood at the Main Gate the first day it opened, July 1, to observe the flow of traffic and use of the RFID lane. His observation was that people were not stopping at the stop signs and waiting for the light to turn green before approaching the guard shacks.

Drivers also were rolling through the RFID lane without stopping and waiting for the arm to go down after the previous vehicle. Because of this, the arm came down on a few vehicles and was hit by one vehicle, damaging the sensor. This resulted in closure of the RFID lane over the holiday weekend.

The procedures are as follows:

  1. Guest Lane (Left Lane) is for new and returning guests.
  2. Returning Guest and Resident Lane (Middle Lane) is for guests with Guest Barcode Pass Scanner, POA Access Cards or a Valid POA Decal.
  3. RFID/Transponder Lane (Right Lane) is for resident with RFID Transponder

New Lane Instructions

  1. Guest Lane Instructions
  • Waiting vehicles are to “STOP” at the limit line (thick white line) until directed to approach guard house with “GREEN” traffic light (located at top of guard house).
  • The guard will provide additional direction.
  1. Resident Lane Instructions
  • Waiting vehicles are to “STOP” at the limit line (thick white line) until directed to approach guard house with “GREEN” traffic light (located at the top of the guard house).
  • The guard will provide additional direction and/or verify decal.
  • Returning guests may use “valid” barcode pass.
  • Residents may use POA Access card.
  • Scan “valid” pass or POA Card at kiosk next to guard house door
  1. RFID/Transponder Lane Instructions
  • Residents with RFID Transponders should approach the barrier arm at “less than 5 mph” and the gate arm will open automatically.
  • The arm comes down after each vehicle. Do not go until the arm has lifted for your vehicle.

The meeting can be viewed at and on the PEG channels. For project inquiries, call 951-244-6841, ext. 210.


