Letter: Cash Cow

Editor, The Friday Flyer:

My name is George Williams, State Bar Number 126493. I am an “inactive” attorney; I cannot render legal advice, appear in court on anyone’s behalf or provide anyone with a “confidential” consultation. Canyon Laker since 1988.

Re: the lake lease, I want it to be clear that any comment is only in my personal capacity and not as a representative of any other individual or group.

My concern is that the CLPOA Board has fallen under the spell of the CLPOA Counsel, who is recommending that the CLPOA pursue a frivolous appeal of what was, in the first place, a frivolous claim.

The CLPOA website contains postings designed by Corporate Counsel to drum up support for the litigation. The most recent posting on February 1 is labeled “Privileged for Members Only” and is attributed to Scott Levine.

This communication by Corporate Counsel reassures the membership and suggests that there is a privileged attorney-client relationship between the members and Corporate Counsel.

Levine has disclaimed such relationships (see “Notice to Membership” dated January 26, 2016) but still uses language designed to influence and reassure unrepresented members whose interests are not the same as CLPOA’s.

There is no earlier indication that Levine fully “expected” to lose and lose so absolutely. The Honorable John D. Molloy, who has access to court research attorneys, found and unequivocally ruled that the CLPOA’s claim that the “lease payments are a tax” has no merit and cannot be fixed.

Mr. Levine and company have characterized the CLPOA as a cash cow for EVMWD. In my personal opinion, Levine similarly sees the CLPOA as a cash cow for Sildorf & Levine.

The difference is we get value for our lake lease payments but only a “giant sucking sound” for our litigation expense.

George (Chris) Williams


