Main Gate ADR

Our only reason for attending the ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) was to enable the members of this community to have a voice and ensure that the cost of the Main Gate Project did not violate the Bylaws we voted to protect.

We are in no way against improving the gate, but not to the extent suggested. We also have serious concerns with the design on the project and have never seen proof that the system suggested will work successfully.

Despite the many hours of in-depth research that was done which revealed many indisputable facts, we were overruled by the result. The resulting decision was made by parties being compensated by the POA, which it is difficult to believe were unbiased. We were only allowed to bring in our own independent experts and attorneys if we agreed to pay their costs if we failed to prevail.

It was a disgraceful act of dictatorship by the Board to enable them to completely disregard our Bylaws and give themselves the ability and power to spend our monies without restraint.

The time, effort and thought we all gave so freely was shown absolutely no respect. We were subjected to personal attacks that were totally irrelevant to the subject and it was very obvious that the ADR was being used to deny our members their voting rights under the Bylaws.

The POA attorney stated that the majority of our community had shown themselves to be in favor of the project using questionable arguments to prove this fact.

If this is a true fact, then again we ask why did the Board not put it to the vote of the members as that would truly show the truth.

George Middle


