Letter: Election facts, opinions

Our POA election is just over two months away. There will be letters and emails stating different opinions. Many will make statements that the writers know are totally incorrect. They work on the theory that if you throw enough inaccuracies against the wall, some of them will stick.

An excellent example of above is George Irvine’s letter in last week’s The Friday Flyer. George’s letter suggests the By-law changes are being made to:

  1. Facilitate 5 to 8 million in Golf Course improvements. These are numbers George made up.
  2. He states the proposed changes are illegal. At the February 11 Board workshop, open to the members, our attorneys addressed all the legal issues raised by members. Every change is legal based on Davis Sterling or Civil Codes.
  3. George claims they removed financial safeguards. There is a 5 percent of the budgeted gross expenses limit per year on New Capital Improvements; same as set by Davis Sterling.

I highly recommend members attend, or watch on TV, this coming Tuesday, March 3rd’s Board meeting.

I understand our POA President will address false statements being circulated in the community. Questions can be directed to the Directors, the GM or the Controller.

Please vote in May.

Joe Washle


