Letter: RRCR Potholes

Editor, The Friday Flyer:

While most of us are justifiably focused on the boondoggle that is the Main Gate “remodel,” I think an even greater disgrace is the condition of our main artery to the outside world, Railroad Canyon Road.

It’s actually disintegrated to the point that it’s more accurately called “Railroad Canyon Pot Hole” – no longer an actual road. It’s basically just a series of open holes connected by some occasional concrete.

I’ve driven on some extremely bad roads in Mexico, but the conditions here make those look like modern super highways.

I realize that it’s really Lake Elsinore’s responsibility; but can’t we form a committee (I’m joking) and reach out/demand/threaten them to do something? Maybe get them to agree to give us all free coupons to the nearest alignment shop?

Since we will all most likely be blocked from even accessing the road due to the “suggestion” we use the East Gate, now would be an excellent time to do some serious repair before all of our cars simply fall apart.

Jim B. Parsons


