Letter: Restaurants

Editor, The Friday Flyer:

A recent issue of The Friday Flyer reported the hiring of  Marin Management and Neal Thomas as the Food and Beverage Director! Hopefully, their contracts are performance rather than time based!

For more years than this reader remembers, Canyon Lake’s food purveyors have been heavily subsidized by our POA dues.

After checking out the Lighthouse menu and prices on the Canyon Lake website, there is no question in my mind that the subsidy will exceed all previous ones! The food services at both the Country Club and Lighthouse do not reflect the tastes and price of the many Canyon Lake residents that I know!

The Friday Flyer would provide a great service to the community by reporting more frequent financial statements for the contracted and budgeted services – the Board should be delighted in supporting The Friday Flyer with the information as evidence of their concern for the dues-paying residents.

My latest venture in “fine dining” at the Lodge was a great disappointment – both quality and price!

R.D. Mericle


